Saturday, December 11, 2010

The missing piece

It seems like everyone on blogspot is here to post their nature photography, pictures of their children, stories of their travels, or the verses that inspired them today...or maybe it's just that I happen to stumble only upon these types of pages. Either way, I think this place is missing one very important thing...cynicism.

Perhaps you don't enjoy reading the derisive ramblings of some self-loathing shut-in, but I do. Those odious parodists give me something to think about while I trudge my own prosaic path.

I really hope to find others like myself here on blogspot, but if not I will just have to initiate my own band of cynics.

Love always,

'Tis the season!

So, this is the last week of the fall semester and finals are nigh. There is a lot of studying to be done because I chose to take a couple of real suck-ass classes this semester like business finance and federal income taxes. This, alone, is enough to drive anyone mad, but life has decided to throw one more thing at me.

I currently work for a very large retail/restaurant company, and those of you who work in retail know what it's like this time of year. The biggest assholes in the universe come out to shop...and they come in droves. This would be bearable if I were working my usual 25 hours a week, but unfortunately I have been volunteered to pick up some of the hours that a former coworker left when she quit without notice. So on top of scrambling to finish a big tax project, study for exams in three courses, and find some time to sleep, I will be working 40 hours this week.

It's a good thing I don't have a life.

Yours truly,

P.S. Sorry about the whining.

Where it all began

This blog will be where myself and my associate will post our thoughts on an indeterminate basis. The subject of our ravings will vary from post to post. I hope you will stay tuned.
